Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Have you thought of moving into your own personal greatness?
Going against the tides is the only option. 
You've got to tell yourself that in spite of what life has thrown on you , am still in charge. 
You've got to tell yourself I'm in control here, I decide the course of my life and I say when it's over.
Am not going to let this get me down or destroy me instead am going to ride on the wings of the storms like the Eagles. 

It isn't your circumstances or situations that will determine whether you'd be successful or not but your mind-set toward the circumstances that will guarantee your SUCCESS. 
A lot of people give up too soon in life, in their careers, businesses and above all in their destinies simply because the lost the battle in their mind.
Friends lemme remind you about something you'd already know...
Your mind is a battle - field and everything in existence today originated from the mind both the good and the bad once.
It depends on how you want the battle to end...It's always between you and your mind.

Everything that's visible to our sight today was sometime an image in someone's mind that took a battle before it made it into existence. 
Imagine if they had given up on themselves due to the circumstances that might have surrounded them as the case may be.
Good news is that they decided to win the battle in their mind rather than giving into defeat.
Let me also remind you of one of my favorite verses in the bible..."As a man thinks in his heart, so is he".
This is so true because We're the sum total of our thoughts, not more not less.
Factually, what fills our thoughts are simply what we read, listen to and watch...This sums up to our thoughts. 
So now you know how to influence your thoughts so as to influence your life positively. 

This goes futher to affirm that most atimes the person we often accuse as the enemy isn't the devil but the person we see when looking at the mirror.
We're our own enemy, as a matter of truth there's no enemy without except the enemy within.
We're so afraid of what we can't that what we can actually do ends up being muffled and suffocated. 
As had as it may sound, most of the limitation we've noticed in our lives aren't placed on us by the government or the society but rather by ourselves. 
We often allow the fears of the unknown to consume us of the exciting passion for discovering the unknown itself. ..what a tragedy. 

I rather not say I hate it when people say I can't do this or that due to the limitations and fears they have placed on themselves but instead I believe that either ways they're right in saying "I can do it" or "I can't do it".
The difference between them is simply their mindset, one sees an opportunity to make history the other sees how history has recorded that it has never been done...like i said earlier its your mindset.

It's sad when I hear people spend so much time and energy worrying about their fear of the future while in the present. My question would be...If you invest that much time and energy worrying today about tomorrow, what then would you be doing when that tomorrow finally becomes the present.
Don't get me wrong there's a big difference between worries and planning, and that will be that one will have detrimental effect on your health and the other will guarantee a stress free transition from were you are to were you should be. 

Truth is, insecure people worry...firm and decisive people make plans and stick to their priorities.
You can attest to the fact that ninety percent of what we're often afraid of was in the end "False Evidence Appearing Real"(FEAR).

That's why I believe that the best way to predict the future is to invent it with a plan which must have originated from the battle field of your mind.
Never give up on yourself or your dreams because as long as there's breath in you, the journey toward greatness isn't over yet.

I guess my final words for now will be...for us all to change the world around us as we anticipate, we need to change our innermost personality, our true self by changing our MINDS. 
We can only be transformed by the renewal of our minds, then shall we know what's perfect and acceptable will of God for our lives. 

Trust me you are more than what you assume yourself to be, determined to free yourself from worrying about tomorrow, let tomorrow think for itself , make plans and prioritize your time. Embrace each day as a gift and make the most of it. Dare to aspire for the best, think the unthinkable, imagine the unimaginable and dream with limitless possibilities because as a man thinks in his heart so he will eventually become.