Sunday, October 30, 2016


If you would be sincere to yourself and life at large, somehow you'd realize within and around you that life is more meaningful and worth living the very moment your Spirit , Soul & Body is part of something bigger than your imaginations ( maybe a project @ work, school, church etc) to the point that it gets you so excited and you had this sense of fulfillment or perhaps felt very happy, pleased and accomplished.
The significance of the cinario I just painted is that You were created and designed by God to be part of something so big and greater than your imaginations when He created you.
Something that ultimately would benefit humanity and generations to come.
Something that no other person can accomplish but You.
This also means that there are several projects and assignments yet to be released from within you into the world so as to benefit humanity.

We're currently living in a society that dictates how our lives should be and determines how high we can achieve and how great we should attend, but I can bet the difference because it ain't supposed to be so from the beginning.
God made it that we should control & manage our environments and the society likewise not the other way round.
Obviously many people have been victims of their lives being controlled by WHAT PEOPLE THINK AND SAY of them, and perhaps misguided by some doctrines and traditions that's geared towards limiting their Potentials and tailored to make them comfortable in their predicament and worst of it all, convinced that it's God's will for their lives which is not...This is a serious tragedy of life.
Your live isn't supposed to be controlled by anybody, don't get me wrong it's ok to be inspired positively by someone in form of advice or instructions, that's quite a privilege but still it shouldn't run your life.
The only person that understands your makeup and were you're going is the One who made you, He alone should guide your path to fulfilling the purpose He gave you.
That's why it's important to establish a close relationship with Him through which He will introduce you to yourself, I mean your true nature.

Now let's purse at this point and deal with some truths:
Life's measured by TIME, therefore you'd be correct to say every Time spent equals Life spent.
God’s a God of purpose and Purpose gives meaning to Life.
God is the creator of all things, and He created everything with and for a Purpose.
He also designated a specific time for every Purpose assigned to each individual created.
Keep in mind that the Purpose of every creation of God is sure and can't fail, it stands forever.
You've been around for several decades already, that's a fact.
So I put it to you to wake up to this very reality that you have to start taking charge of your life and make every second in it counts not just by getting BUSY but getting EFFECTIVE in your area of Purpose.
Believe in yourself and do not allow people's opinion of you to become your reality.
All that matters is who and what God say's you are.
The entire journey toward greatness isn't over yet, refuse to settle for less because God has endowed you with a powerful tool called IMAGINATION.
Use it maximally and never stop dreaming BIG.
That He placed it in your heart to dream and envisioned means that it's possible to achieve if you believe it.
And if what He showed you in form of Visions isn't what you're seeing currently, then what you're seeing is Temporarily subject to change, don't loose faith but wait for it appointed time.
You're permitted to celebrate while waiting with thanksgiving for it manifestation.

Indeed my intention is not to challenge you or convict you in anyway but rather I wish that by the time you're done reading this, you would probably reallaigned the course of your life toward becoming WHO God designed you to be and not WHAT the society wants you to be.
Remember that a genuine Vision and Purpose from God will always be opposed by the standards and the norms of the society set by men.
Determine to be yourself against all odds while maintaining a healthy relationship with God and you'd be surprised how amazing your journey toward the fulfillment of your Purpose can be.
Stay unique and be YOU.