Sunday, March 20, 2016


The following Eight words will guarantees it SUCCESS

Let's focus today on PLANNING
You must stop sit down and plan if you are going to fulfill your vision.
Success is the orderly ongoing advancement toward your goal.
Success is ariving at the place you'v plan and determined to arive. 
God desires your success more than you desires it yourself. 

God commands us to establish the goal that will lead us to our vision.
Failure to plan like they say is planning to fail but people sometimes make plans but do not follow through with the plan either because of laziness or procrastination. 
But the key is that you must plan your work and work your plan.

Planning is faith and faith is planning. 
This is true because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
This means that the evidence of things not seen by anybody had to come from a plan.
Therefore faith is giving the unseen a substance by writing it down or by drawing them.
In this manner you have transferred that substance from the unseen to a seen reality; this is planning. 

The ability to document the future is faith.
To capture that which does not exist and put it down is planning. 
God is a God of faith and faith is believing on God's promises. 
Faith demands a plan.
Most Christian drift along without a plan and expect miracle to fall from Heaven like manner. 
Here's something interesting about God that you didn't know:God has a plan for you but He doesn't plan for you.

So planning is therefore the highest expression of faith in God because we plan for things we believe in.
It's through planning the we can capture God's will for our lives. 
Planning gives definition to faith.
Planning pulls God's promises from eternity into time.
Planning documents vision.
Without a plan life has no definition. 
Without a plan life has no meaning.
Without a vision the people perishes the Bible says.

A plan is a captured vision and without a plan there's no self control and goals management. 
Therefore understand that faith is expressed in planning and planning is faith.
This is why the Bible makes it clear that faith without work is death.
So planning without work equals failure. 

God himself is evident of faith, planning and success so studying God's principles of faith, planning and works will ultimately results in the fulfillment of your purpose and Visions for living. 
Also note that many are the plans in the heart of a man but it's the Lord's purpose that will prevail. 
Plans are changeable but purpose is not, meaning that plans are like variables but purpose is always constant. 

Note that , not fulfilling your plans doesn't mean that you are out of God's will.
That you failed in your previous plans doesn't mean that it was God but it simply requires a change of plans.
It's important that you sit down with your plans and break it down in details so as to eliminate any possible errors, this of course has to be with leadership and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Failure is simply another way to do it better, and a much better opportunity to start again. 
Don't quit until you win because you only loose when you quit.

Here's a quick review of how a perfect plan should proceed:
Identify God's purpose for your life.
Document an overview plan.
Sit down with the overview plan and break it down into little details. 
Estimate time and duration to each detailed plan.
Get the necessary information and knowledge required to ease the fulfillment of the plan.
Present that plan to God for approval and provisions. 
Don't be afraid of the cost because it's the Lord's to explain it's fulfillment. 
Be ready to sacrifice all for the success of the plan.
Be willing to die for what you are living for.
Be willing to work the plan with all passion even to the point of sacrificing your life for it because true plans and purpose are not self seeking but to serve others. 

Planning rushes heaven into action because God can only multiply what we present before him.
Plan are the desires of the heart and God said I will grant you all the desires of your heart (plans  emanating from God's purpose for your life).
This is true because the plans of the righteous are right.

It's funny how many people pray, for example some say:
Oh Lord help me...and the answer will be TO DO WHAT? 
Oh Lord direct my steps...and the answer will be TO WHERE?
Oh Lord bless me...and the answer will be FOR WHAT?

So it therefore means that if you do not have any plans, then God has nothing to HELP YOU WITH AND BLESS YOU because God does not waste resources where it's not needed and If you don't have a plan, then God can't direct you TO NO WERE because no were isn't a destination. 

This is how important it is to have a plan for your life and destiny because God can only lead, direct, approve, guide, bless, prosper and multiply a documented plan presented before him.

Please take time to meditate on this nuggets carefully, it will broadens your knowledge about planning from the wisest King that has ever lived.  King Solomon. 

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