Thursday, April 16, 2015


Let's think through this together Friends:
 "Your words has the Power to cause changes in LIFE as a Purposeful Youth ,you have to watch and becareful  of what you SAY, because you have what you SAY."
More so, be that confidant someone is yearning to have.

It reflects your VALUE FOR PEOPLE.

Let people's secret be safe with you

If the people that confided in you wanted the whole world to know about it,they would have gone to the Internet and share it.

You are not better than anybody else,therefor do not speak condescendingly to people.

Be extremely polite to people,its a door opener to career and relationship.
When you are tempted to be rude, you have the will to resist it.

Listen to all sides of conversation before you speak.

It will sound foolish speaking without facts.

As a matter of wisdom,listen as twice as you speak.

Because when a Wise man speaks, it gives people what to think about
,It's always a mind blowing thoughts ,be that WISE PERSON.

Self confidence is TALKING LESS and LISTENING MORE.

If you do not have what to say,SAY NOTHING.

Make sure what you are saying is the truth so you never have to live in fear of being discovered.

Think twice,Speak once.

If you catch yourself exaggerating,correct yourself immediately and say the RIGHT THING.

The more you lie,the more lies you will formulate to cover-up the previous ones concocted.

Truth LIBERATES,the path of INTEGRITY is always the BEST CHOICE.

LIES,will forever make you look behind trying to see what is catching up with you.

Active Listening,
Asking questions,
Don't interrupt others talking be careful to know when it's your turn to say something, maintain EYE CONTACT it creats conviction.

Though its funny but try this: Tape record your voice,say your name,what you do and where you live,
Listen to it and correct your flaws.

Express your opinion and let others express theirs with mutual respect.

Learn to pay compliments to people,especially how they look,dress,and speak.

Most importantly,do not try to impress people with your ACCOMPLISHMENTS, let them discover it themselves.

While communicating, learn to be assertive, tactful, and sensitive.

Don't always force the conversation to be in your favor, in order words don't always want to win the conversation, you will end up making a mess of yourself indirectly.

Say the BEST you know about people always, you can never tell who's listening.

 When talking to people avoid talking about your hurts and those who coursed them.

Do not forget to work on your tenses and vocabularies,it compels the listener to listen even when it is against his/her will.

Body language and facial Expression forms a greater part of communication,therefore let WORDS and NON-VERBAL Cues harmonize.

Take care of your breath always ,it makes people feel comfortable around you.

Lastly:Remember that your ability to express yourself clearly will draw QUALITY people to YOU,and open doors of Opportunities for you

Develop a good communication Skills today and Be The person You've Always Wanted To be.

Keep a date with me and i will guarantee your thrilling experiences that you will love yourself for doing so.

Stay bless...

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